Notre nouveau lucky winner est en ligne !


Our new partnership ! JACK SHORE TANK (UFC Fighter) 


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Cartier Tank winner : Paul André. D

“J’avais déja acheté deux tickets pour cette compétition mais quelques heures avant le tirage au sort j’ai décidé d’en acheté un de plus, je suis sur que c’est celui la qui m’a fait gagné !”.

Saturday, December 9, 2023, Bastia. Our team went to meet our latest winner, Paul André, a young Corsican, 26 years old, who just graduated with a master’s degree from Corte University.

Comfortably settled at his home, we presented him with his new gem, the Cartier Tank Must Black, over a cup of coffee!

He is happy and doesn’t hide his joy; he wanted this watch and he got it. He had been eyeing this jewel for a while but admitted that he didn’t think he would get it “so easily.”

When asked where his interest in watchmaking comes from, he replies, “I love luxury things, and I’ve always had a particular attraction to watches. I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m passionate, but I love it!”

Introduce yourself in a few words

“My name is Paul André D. I’m 26 years old and I’ve just graduated from Corte University. I live in Corsica, in Bastia, the city where I was born.

I am passionate about sports, and I spend most of my free time with family or friends.”

How did you hear about us?

“I saw that several friends of mine had participated in your contest on Instagram, and I immediately connected with the concept.”

Tell us about the moment you found out you were the big winner

“I wasn’t present during the live draw; it was a few minutes after my name appeared that I was contacted by a team member. When he told me over the phone, I could hardly believe it.”

How many tickets did you buy?

“J’avais déja acheté deux tickets pour cette compétition mais quelques heures avant le tirage au sort j’ai décidé d’en acheté un de plus, je suis sur que c’est celui la qui m’a fait gagné !”.

What are you going to do with the watch?

“I’m going to wear it; it will be my everyday watch! Plus, it’s all black, which means it goes with everything.”

This day was another beautiful moment of sharing and exchange. We will remember Paul André for his kindness and determination. He understood well that when you want luck to be on your side, you have to play all your cards!